Friday, 31 May 2013

yoga today

there was a time for yogis who wants to realize 'the truth' developed a great science and practice is yoga. seekers of 'truth' are yogis. if someone looking to find the 'ultimate truth of life' dont need to bothered about world and money or life. every second is important to move much more closer towards realizing 'truth'. yogis knows that only 'the truth alone triumph'.
so the yoga system developed only the purpose of realizing 'the truth' not for business and publicity. this is reality. our ancient masters never ever had an inner vision for that some one is going to use the word 'yoga' for business in future. but actually who knows yoga now? not many. but whoever practice 'this yoga' or 'that yoga' think they are yogis. they can talk many hours about yoga and its philosophy. they can act like a real yogi. keeping some outer images. finally get patent about my yoga. this is so poor and  bad for society. even this pure science now using for self interest and business. i need to talk like this even though i am teaching yoga and practicing lithe bit. but as we know how can i hide truth. so i need to write here.

know a lot of mails coming to my account every day from all corner of the world- how to promote your yoga business. invitation for yoga conference, how can you learn from our special internet yoga sessions. i used to make fun in the class ten years ago - one day you can learn yoga from internet- now it is a real products. all this yogis are thinking day and night how can they introduce a new yoga and improve their business and fame. this yogis are not thinking about truth and reality.

so where is yoga? only a word yoga there, there is no yoga at all. one day if i am getting enough support from God- there will be a space for everyone to share and practice yoga- without money or rewards. with a motivation to know union and supreme happiness.

Wednesday, 22 May 2013

my first yoga teaching in saipan island

today morning i taught two yoga sessions. we were quiet busy yesterday for class room set up..
but not too much colorful things to do it for that. just want to mngake sure participants are comfortable with their yoga class. it was quiet good number of people attended 7am class. a place like saipan it can be too early 7am for a yoga class. but i am thinking to do this regularly. it is not the number of people, but it is about how many want to do yoga early morning for their benefits. i know that many things in this world everyone can do for their benefits. but man has a nature as we say in yoga philosophy - tamas, rajas, satwa gun as. or inertia, dynamic, and luminosity. or lower state, middle state, higher state.
so just start to do yoga in the early morning has great significants. because mind is more relaxed after a good sleep. energy filed in our body system is ready to accept and open up for any action we do it. so an action is better for good and higher purpose for balancing our physical, mental and spiritual upliftment do it and get into it.

i hope yoga works everywhere. no matter someone know it or not, actually everyone is trying to get into yoga, by adapting some methods. yoga is perfected,.
om santhi
om peace

Monday, 20 May 2013

yoga saipan

Namaste every one
this is my second time in my life i am going to teach yoga in an island. i born in a small village in india, kerala state. where i studied and practiced yoga for a long period of time. sri lanka and maldives are two islands near kerala state, india. so i had a time in maldives for teaching yoga and indeed to focus more for personal yoga practice without any external distraction. one of the small island i used to live for 15 months in maldives known as cocoa island where they have set up a beautiful yoga centre.
come back to saipan island. this is much more bigger than maldives island. of course lot of trees, hills, beautiful and peaceful beaches, nice hotels etc. most hotels are built more than 20//30 years ago i think.

so i am here with my small family and need to continue my yogic life adapting and experiencing new challenges in life. so we are setting up a new yoga studio in Fiesta Resort for tourist and locals. every one can enjoy some 'indian touch yoga' here.

you all are welcome to enjoy yoga..
daily class we do morning 7am to 8 am then two more lessons every day....

Sunday, 12 May 2013

Saipan island

Saipan is a 'dream island' in my life. i mean i never thought i am going to be this island in my life. i think i heard about saipan island probably 4/5 years ago. recently i need to find out in world map where is saipan located. but you can not see that anywhere in a world map. unless you sure about you are living in this beautiful island.
i like it here some how, becasue it is pollution free, blue sky, blue sea water and white sand beach.
moreover it is better place for my yoga practice. i can breath fresh air every day with my yoga practice.
looking at the pacific sea at the east side of the house,i begin my yoga practice every morning.

also this island is more similar to my birth place kerala, india. kerala is a land of cocunut trees, kera' means coconut. same weather i can see both places. but saipan is much better not so humid like kerala. but other things like plants and trees can see plenty in saipan which we have in kerala.

people eat bread fruit more in saipan i think. in kerala they used to eat tapioca in earlier time. but consumption is much more less than before now. however local foods are fresh in saipan. we went for a dinner one of our friends house some weeks ago. there i saw first time ' coconut crab', this is not a species can see in kerala. now i am interesting to see anywhere i can find a 'cow' in saipan. most probably not. they are not fresh milk drinkers, i think.