pain, agony and grief must be experienced. they increase the depths of your consciousness. comfort and luxury are not good for spiritual development. when i say spiritual development do not misunderstand something with religion. yoga is not a religion. it is only for improving the quality of human mind. it cannot get from any university or open market. quality of mind can improve only proper way of training and thinking. then intellect get purified. instead of becoming a scientist or business magnet you become a shining star. you know that all the star has light. it is already there. its nature is light. like that we need to discover our inner light by improving mental quality. so every time you get pain think and experience it. next time your will face that with more strength. eventually you become like a magnet not just a steel. yes only magnet has that power to attract.
when you accept pain willingly it is called austerity. this is same for a spiritual man or a social worker. we can see a lot of personalities from this world. they all accept that pain, become magnet. when you do not want pain, you become scared of it, then it becomes painful. however if you are able to welcome pain and know that it is very for your development it become enlightenment, become pleasant.
it is through pain that your inner vision is opened. those who face pain throughout life have very deep, substantial and true awareness of the higher being.
when you accept pain willingly it is called austerity. this is same for a spiritual man or a social worker. we can see a lot of personalities from this world. they all accept that pain, become magnet. when you do not want pain, you become scared of it, then it becomes painful. however if you are able to welcome pain and know that it is very for your development it become enlightenment, become pleasant.
it is through pain that your inner vision is opened. those who face pain throughout life have very deep, substantial and true awareness of the higher being.