Relax,keep your brain silent and immobile
There is no end to the discoveries that one can make in dreams. But one thing is very important, never go to sleep when you are very tired, for if you do that you fall into a kind of inconscience and dreams do with you whatever they like wihtout your being able to exercise that least control. Just as you should alwasy take rest before you eat, I would advise you all to rest before you go to sleep. But you must know how to rest.
There are many ways of doing it. Here is one: first of all,repose your body, comfortably stretched on a bed or in a n easy chair. Then try to relax your nervous, all together or one by one, till you have a complete relaxation. This done and while your body lies like a limp of rag upon the bed, make your brain silent and immobile till it is no longer conscious of itself. Then slowly, imperceptibly pass from this state into sleep. When you will get up the next morning you will be full of energy. On the contrary, if you go to bed quite tried and without relaxing yourself, you will drop into a heavy, dense and unconscious sleep in which the vital will lose all its energies.
It is possible you may not obtain an immediate result, but persevere.