Sunday, 27 October 2013

what is mean by yoga asana ?

This is one of the most popular word now this days we every one talk about it - Yoga. Basically yoga now this days create an image of body poses. According to yogic history Sage Patanjali has written the fundamental yogic text - Yoga Sutra- which means - yoga techniques. In yoga sutra define yoga asana is - stiram sukham asanam- that means a pose which is steady and comfortable. In this sense every pose or asana need to be steady and comfortable. Probably Patanjali meant to it for sitting poses basically for meditation purpose. However i just want to say that all the poses or asanas need to practice with this ease and comfort. Because this is one of the best way a practitioner can develop his body awareness and improve the quality of yoga asana practice. It is nothing with to show up maximum body flexibility or strength. Yoga asana is not for that purpose. If someone do regular yoga asana practice with dedication and devotion there will be a great union or yoga will take place every step. This can be done only without creating mental tension and with devotion. Devotion need to incorporate with every asana. Without that ego will take over the sadhaka or yoga student and the real purpose and meaning of yoga practice will destroy. This is very important basic things every yoga student need to realize.

The practice of yoga is improving the quality of human personality. The beauty of body and quality of the mind need establish by proper way of yoga practice. Patanjali says in another sutra- prayatna saithilyamasanam - means constant practice give successes in yoga poses. So along with all other practice firstly we need to train this body and get purified for higher practices. In this sense every yoga student need to develop bhakti or devotion. It is the way to attune body and mind complex.

How can one develop bhakti or devotion? Bhakti or devotion means to be part of any religion or be a follower of any sect. It is complete respect for the action what someone do for his or her self development. All the purposes and practices of yoga is to awake our own inner strength. All tools are using for this purpose only. Without understanding this truth, practicing yoga will not give much perfection all the way in life. Om Santhi.


Tuesday, 17 September 2013

How to Relax !!

Relax,keep your brain silent and immobile

There is no end to the discoveries that one can make in dreams. But one thing is very important, never go to sleep when you are very tired, for if you do that you fall into a kind of inconscience and dreams do with you whatever they like wihtout your being able to exercise that least control. Just as you should alwasy take rest before you eat, I would advise you all to rest before you go to sleep. But you must know how to rest.
There are many ways of doing it. Here is one: first of all,repose your body, comfortably stretched on a bed or in a n easy chair. Then try to relax your nervous, all together or one by one, till you have a complete relaxation. This done and while your body lies like a limp of rag upon the bed, make your brain silent and immobile till it is no longer conscious of itself. Then slowly, imperceptibly pass from this state into sleep. When you will get up the next morning you will be full of energy. On the contrary, if you go to bed quite tried and without relaxing yourself, you will drop into a heavy, dense and unconscious sleep in which the vital will lose all its energies.
It is possible you may not obtain an immediate result, but persevere.

Sunday, 1 September 2013

Pravritti and Nivritti - Two way of knowing the truth

Namaste Dear All
loka samasta sukhino bhavantu- means all the world may get happiness. here all the world means everything existing in this world. everything existing in this world need freedom. or wanting to get free.   as we human being are in the top list in this category. and we have a way to be free. everyone want to be free somehow. that means we are not happy with our present freedom. in yoga theory there are two way can use for this. one is pravritti - it is action. being with worldly life - our disires, ambitions, emotions all part of it. second step is nivritti - it is resignation from worldly life. the first step is easy and most comfortable for modern society. and it is not harmful and not dangerous to practice. the second one is nivritti is short way but need very careful guidance, so it is not an easy way for every one. bhagavat gita says the first step through pravritti man can attain moksha or realizing the truth. only need to consider all your action ' i am not the doer' in this way engaging worldly life and keeping in mind the aim of life get moksha. this is more suitable for everyone. even though we are aware about the essence and aim of yoga, it is not easy to accept and adapt the philosophical practice of yoga. but without loosing the main essence we can apply yoga in daily life as like pravritti or action.

how do we need to practice pravritti? as we find time for eating and sleeping everyday, everyone need to find time for little practice of yoga. here yoga means not only do some poses or breathing techniques. yoga is a state to be here. here means be present. in present there is an empty state. that emptiness is silence. expanding the silence is experiencing yoga. or the way you can built to get into the truth. for realizing truth you only need to keep present. with emptiness. no action their but there is a process. this process is natural. you are not taking any effort for that. you are expanding your emptiness state. even you sit or walk or do one yoga pose you can be empty. this is an action in inaction. here action mean a state where you are hold up. so there are an inner process but you are not purposefully doing action externally. the whole world exist in this empty state. world does not need any action from us. only we are misusing out action to destroy or many time disturb this emptiness or silence. the moment you disturb your silence you become restless. so hold here without any effort. it is stillness. from this stillness and empty state will create. this is the process as like a river flows without anybody direction. you need to flow like a river. finally it merge into the big ocean where you can enjoy bliss and supreme happiness


Sunday, 14 July 2013

Yoga Experience

easy method for yoga experience
one of the most popular word using in the world today is Yoga. but many people does not know what Yoga mean to it. you may be practicing yoga for many years without knowing  a great meaning behind it. Yoga means absolute union. how do we experience this 'union'? is it important to know this union? or you just want to get some muscle work out only?
whatever your aim behind practicing yoga is, in reality weather you know this or not, when you do some yoga poses your energy (prana) move into proper directions. or trying to open some areas which never had opened before in ones life. this is why every one experiencing yoga. or say that it is very relaxed. feel good after practice. who is feeling? who is relaxing? our inner nature is peace and relaxed. this is the truth. but our sense and mind goes outside world and bring a lot of tension to inside. but yoga helps to recharge our inner current nature. or the proper way of function of energy. it gives a lot of power and light inside areas where they really want to give you some experience. unfortunately this competition world or competition mind not understand this. but you can give an hour time to practice yoga. just start. no matter you need to know all the theories behind it. just start to practice. let your body get some recharge. day by day you will experience the truth. this does not mean that you need to do a lot of yoga poses and get sore muscles next day. you need to know how yoga poses work with your body. just give some attention to your body and breath while you doing yoga poses. yes the right word is 'attention'. i remembered one man went to see a Guru and asked what i need to do for real experience. he just replied ' attention'. every time he ask this question guru replied 'attention'. do not think that attention means something like in a military way. Not at all. just be here or be present. then body and mind become naturally get into an attention state. that only you need to practice yoga asana. this is the beginning step. day by day you practice like this you will find out that instead of fighting with your body to get a good pose or your aim can be to be perfect in some how in that pose, whatever it is to be an attention state or be present you will begin to experience yoga. for this no one need to be very intelligent or educated to practice yoga. the more you are ignorant about this world the more you experience Yoga...

Om santhi

Monday, 1 July 2013

what is sakti

according to tantra yoga sakti is energy. in between matter and consciousness is energy, the sakti, the creator, but energy or sakti does not create anything. she is transforming herself to into creation. she transform into matter. mind is a matter, so the same mind can transform into sakti. so dont need to think you are only this body or mind. there is no mind if you find your sakti. once you find your sakti you are not being with your mind or trying to find out mind and its problems. because mind can not find a proper solution for you. how you can clean dirt with dirt. you need to clean with pure with dirt. sakti is pure. she is only the pure form. so why we need to struggle with mind and spend whole life for controlling mind. you only need to express and experience your sakti. this is what yoga speak. when we talk about tantra or transforming energy, dont think wrong. because it is pure. a cultured person or civilization can understand, if your culture is not much developed you can not find the proper meaning of it. can be mis use it. that is what people misunderstood tantra. even in india. because people are fearful to talk truth. or fearful to express truth. everything they still control with same mind. mind is a monkey. it cannot stay with same idea. how can you go beyond this mind and find out your true bliss. if you want to feel that bliss you need to destroy your mind. destroy your images. destroy your vasanas. then only a oneness can experience. oneness means not two. as long as you think with your mind your feel this two. two never can not be together. it always oppose. that what happening everyone life. two. result is dissatisfaction. understand this truth. it is possible if you follow with your awareness. that is why yoga is a practice, not a theory something can do with your intellect. yoga is a practice then you feel this oneness or poornam. poornam means not beginning and end. a big circle, which consist everything in this universe.
now we need to think who is worrying? mind or body. or thoughts or memory. and is there any point to worry and hurry? not at all. because you are everywhere, so you dont need to think you are this and that. you are part of everything. but nothing affect you. if you are part of everything. how can you be separate. only separation make your discomfort. or two. the moment you think you are different than others and something you make separation. separation only the reflection of same mind. so distroy your mind. i can say easily ignore mind or not follow mind. then mind disappeared. you become amanaska. means without mind. then only you can see sakti.

Saturday, 29 June 2013

pain and pleasre

pain, agony and grief must be experienced. they increase the depths of your consciousness. comfort and luxury are not good for spiritual development. when i say spiritual development do not misunderstand something with religion. yoga is not a religion. it is only for improving the quality of human mind. it cannot get from any university or open market. quality of mind can improve only proper way of training and thinking. then intellect get purified. instead of becoming a scientist or business magnet you become a shining star. you know that all the star has light. it is already there. its nature is light. like that we need to discover our inner light by improving mental quality. so every time you get pain think and experience it. next time your will face that with more strength. eventually you become like a magnet not  just a steel. yes only magnet has that power to attract.
when you accept pain willingly it is called austerity. this is same for a spiritual man or a social worker. we can see a lot of personalities from this world. they all accept that pain, become magnet. when you do not want pain, you become scared of it, then it becomes painful. however if you are able to welcome pain and know that it is very for your development it become enlightenment, become pleasant.
it is through pain that your inner vision is opened. those who face pain throughout life have very deep, substantial and true awareness of the higher being.

Thursday, 27 June 2013

today i read a message from a great yogi who is always giving me yogic wisdom and guidance. he says - in yoga practice is important, not mind. forget about your mind, let it go wherever it wants, but keep continue your yogic practice. in gross form mind is a matter in subtle it is an energy. practicing yoga work with energy. that is the purpose and practice of any yoga system, even just do yogic postures and breathing techniques.
yoga is not depending upon once body strength and flexibility. this is absolutely wrong ideas someone may keep it in the mind. keep a mentality for openness and acceptance whatever you are in this world. yoga for everyone and everyone need to know what is yoga stands for.
unfortunately most of the people who wish to practice yoga with great popularity think yoga practice for flexible people only. i thought today our body can be like an ice block when it is in a gross form and it is water too in subtle form. water can flow anywhere as it like. it has flexibility and flow. practicing yoga keep your energy field in the body system same as flow of water. channeling that energy in the body system is an aim of practicing yoga poses and pranayama (breath techniques)

jai yoga

Saturday, 15 June 2013

Namaste Dear all
yoga class becoming more and more popular in saipan island. we have some really interested guys are experiencing our yoga class. i need to say that most of them from our neighbouring country Japan. i did a wonderful yoga class yesterday..
this is one of the best place if you are looking for a yoga retreat for a week with best nature and beach.

Friday, 31 May 2013

yoga today

there was a time for yogis who wants to realize 'the truth' developed a great science and practice is yoga. seekers of 'truth' are yogis. if someone looking to find the 'ultimate truth of life' dont need to bothered about world and money or life. every second is important to move much more closer towards realizing 'truth'. yogis knows that only 'the truth alone triumph'.
so the yoga system developed only the purpose of realizing 'the truth' not for business and publicity. this is reality. our ancient masters never ever had an inner vision for that some one is going to use the word 'yoga' for business in future. but actually who knows yoga now? not many. but whoever practice 'this yoga' or 'that yoga' think they are yogis. they can talk many hours about yoga and its philosophy. they can act like a real yogi. keeping some outer images. finally get patent about my yoga. this is so poor and  bad for society. even this pure science now using for self interest and business. i need to talk like this even though i am teaching yoga and practicing lithe bit. but as we know how can i hide truth. so i need to write here.

know a lot of mails coming to my account every day from all corner of the world- how to promote your yoga business. invitation for yoga conference, how can you learn from our special internet yoga sessions. i used to make fun in the class ten years ago - one day you can learn yoga from internet- now it is a real products. all this yogis are thinking day and night how can they introduce a new yoga and improve their business and fame. this yogis are not thinking about truth and reality.

so where is yoga? only a word yoga there, there is no yoga at all. one day if i am getting enough support from God- there will be a space for everyone to share and practice yoga- without money or rewards. with a motivation to know union and supreme happiness.

Wednesday, 22 May 2013

my first yoga teaching in saipan island

today morning i taught two yoga sessions. we were quiet busy yesterday for class room set up..
but not too much colorful things to do it for that. just want to mngake sure participants are comfortable with their yoga class. it was quiet good number of people attended 7am class. a place like saipan it can be too early 7am for a yoga class. but i am thinking to do this regularly. it is not the number of people, but it is about how many want to do yoga early morning for their benefits. i know that many things in this world everyone can do for their benefits. but man has a nature as we say in yoga philosophy - tamas, rajas, satwa gun as. or inertia, dynamic, and luminosity. or lower state, middle state, higher state.
so just start to do yoga in the early morning has great significants. because mind is more relaxed after a good sleep. energy filed in our body system is ready to accept and open up for any action we do it. so an action is better for good and higher purpose for balancing our physical, mental and spiritual upliftment do it and get into it.

i hope yoga works everywhere. no matter someone know it or not, actually everyone is trying to get into yoga, by adapting some methods. yoga is perfected,.
om santhi
om peace

Monday, 20 May 2013

yoga saipan

Namaste every one
this is my second time in my life i am going to teach yoga in an island. i born in a small village in india, kerala state. where i studied and practiced yoga for a long period of time. sri lanka and maldives are two islands near kerala state, india. so i had a time in maldives for teaching yoga and indeed to focus more for personal yoga practice without any external distraction. one of the small island i used to live for 15 months in maldives known as cocoa island where they have set up a beautiful yoga centre.
come back to saipan island. this is much more bigger than maldives island. of course lot of trees, hills, beautiful and peaceful beaches, nice hotels etc. most hotels are built more than 20//30 years ago i think.

so i am here with my small family and need to continue my yogic life adapting and experiencing new challenges in life. so we are setting up a new yoga studio in Fiesta Resort for tourist and locals. every one can enjoy some 'indian touch yoga' here.

you all are welcome to enjoy yoga..
daily class we do morning 7am to 8 am then two more lessons every day....

Sunday, 12 May 2013

Saipan island

Saipan is a 'dream island' in my life. i mean i never thought i am going to be this island in my life. i think i heard about saipan island probably 4/5 years ago. recently i need to find out in world map where is saipan located. but you can not see that anywhere in a world map. unless you sure about you are living in this beautiful island.
i like it here some how, becasue it is pollution free, blue sky, blue sea water and white sand beach.
moreover it is better place for my yoga practice. i can breath fresh air every day with my yoga practice.
looking at the pacific sea at the east side of the house,i begin my yoga practice every morning.

also this island is more similar to my birth place kerala, india. kerala is a land of cocunut trees, kera' means coconut. same weather i can see both places. but saipan is much better not so humid like kerala. but other things like plants and trees can see plenty in saipan which we have in kerala.

people eat bread fruit more in saipan i think. in kerala they used to eat tapioca in earlier time. but consumption is much more less than before now. however local foods are fresh in saipan. we went for a dinner one of our friends house some weeks ago. there i saw first time ' coconut crab', this is not a species can see in kerala. now i am interesting to see anywhere i can find a 'cow' in saipan. most probably not. they are not fresh milk drinkers, i think.