Sunday, 27 October 2013

what is mean by yoga asana ?

This is one of the most popular word now this days we every one talk about it - Yoga. Basically yoga now this days create an image of body poses. According to yogic history Sage Patanjali has written the fundamental yogic text - Yoga Sutra- which means - yoga techniques. In yoga sutra define yoga asana is - stiram sukham asanam- that means a pose which is steady and comfortable. In this sense every pose or asana need to be steady and comfortable. Probably Patanjali meant to it for sitting poses basically for meditation purpose. However i just want to say that all the poses or asanas need to practice with this ease and comfort. Because this is one of the best way a practitioner can develop his body awareness and improve the quality of yoga asana practice. It is nothing with to show up maximum body flexibility or strength. Yoga asana is not for that purpose. If someone do regular yoga asana practice with dedication and devotion there will be a great union or yoga will take place every step. This can be done only without creating mental tension and with devotion. Devotion need to incorporate with every asana. Without that ego will take over the sadhaka or yoga student and the real purpose and meaning of yoga practice will destroy. This is very important basic things every yoga student need to realize.

The practice of yoga is improving the quality of human personality. The beauty of body and quality of the mind need establish by proper way of yoga practice. Patanjali says in another sutra- prayatna saithilyamasanam - means constant practice give successes in yoga poses. So along with all other practice firstly we need to train this body and get purified for higher practices. In this sense every yoga student need to develop bhakti or devotion. It is the way to attune body and mind complex.

How can one develop bhakti or devotion? Bhakti or devotion means to be part of any religion or be a follower of any sect. It is complete respect for the action what someone do for his or her self development. All the purposes and practices of yoga is to awake our own inner strength. All tools are using for this purpose only. Without understanding this truth, practicing yoga will not give much perfection all the way in life. Om Santhi.


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